Salon Fusion
Salon Fusion
34301 Chardon rd, Willougby Hills, OH 44094
(440) 944-1555

Welcome and thank you for visiting Salon Fusion's website. You will find information concerning our services, prices and much more.

We invite you to browse our website today. We want you and your style to come experience a Transformation that only Salon Fusion can provide for you.

Salon Fusion desires to provide out guest with a remarkable, motivational and unbelievable experience of Transformation.

Salon Fusion encourages our guest with the correct tools through education, product knowledge and support for the new look they will maintain.

Salon Fusion's Mission statement is to excel in customer service, continuing educaiton, promotion of team atmosphere, support of our community and in the sharing of knowledge with other professionals.

We look for to Transforming you soon...
Salon Fusion.

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